Welcome to SoleFit Vancouver! Located in Kitsilano, 10 minutes outside of downtown Vancouver, SoleFit is a pedorthic foot clinic specializing in custom orthotics, video gait analysis, compression socks, knee bracing and recovery products.
Our specialty is in our holistic assessments that lead to optimum outcomes. We assess more than just your feet! Finding the root of an issue is our goal, and we can provide you with information and education in the short term to give quick results, but also create a long term plan so your injury doesn’t reoccur.
Call or book online for initial or follow-up appointments!
Custom Orthotics Vancouver
At our Vancouver clinic we ensure custom made orthotics, when required, are truly custom as the complete orthotic is made in our onsite laboratory. It makes us cringe at the thought of foot orthotics not being used because they don’t fit your shoes or aren’t fitting properly. From carbon fibre cycling orthotics for Tour de France cyclists to super thin orthotics for those shoes that we shouldn’t wear but still do, we want to make sure our custom orthotics fit what you’re actually wearing!
Our pedorthists take the time to ensure our patients understand a custom orthotics role in treatment. In many cases, an orthotic may only be necessary during the treatment phase of an injury! Check out our short video here for more.
We know that finding the correct knee brace can be a difficult task. With so many options on the market combined with everyone’s unique characteristics (injury, activity level, compliance etc), it’s no wonder we see many people end up in more or less brace than they need. The goal of our one hour knee brace assessment is to ensure that we get our clients in the perfect brace. A perfect brace is the one that protects for the injury at hand (ligament instability, osteoarthritis, patellofemoral etc), matches the intended activity (soccer, waking, gardening, tennis, running), and is something that the client is actually going to wear (compliance). We see a lot of knee braces end up as ‘expensive closet decorators’ and want to ensure you love your new brace!
Why Choose SoleFit Vancouver?
Our Vancouver Team
- C. Ped (C), Primal Health CoachRyan Grant
Ryan Grant C. Ped (C), Primal Health Coach
A Certified Pedorthist and Pedorthic Technician and the co-owner of SoleFit Inc., Ryan combines his passion for well-being with an intense desire to help his patients reach their own goals of activity and healthy living. Along with a Bachelor of Science degree, Ryan has over 25 years of experience in the field including time in Ethiopia where he worked with some of the worlds top runners . Ryan is a former competitive distance runner (29:58 PB for 10k), has completed several multi-day adventure races around the globe, raced as a professional triathlete for several years, and is currently involved with ultra running expeditions in remote parts of the globe. Ryan is a former Board Member of the Pedorthic Association of Canada and is a firm believer in finding the root cause of a problem rather than just trying to bandage the issues it results in. He is also a Primal Health Coach trained to pay focus on fitness, nutrition, optimal performance and lifestyle factors through an evolutionary lens.
- B. Sc., M.B.A.Cassandra Grant
Cassandra Grant B. Sc., M.B.A.
Cassandra was on a career path in the pharmaceutical industry with positions in Finance, Materials Management, Human Resources, and SAP implementation before a lifelong dream of working with her brother and a desire to live in Ottawa lead her to change course and help to open up SoleFit. With a B.Sc and an MBA, Cassandra brings her business acumen and a layman’s perspective to balance out the clinic. Cassandra is laughingly known as the “Mr. Snuffleupagus” of SoleFit. Her spirit and influence are detected more often than her actual presence as she balances work and home life. Cassandra is a proud mom of two awesome little kids and feels very fortunate to be able to be a hands-on mom and a business woman at the same time. She feels an immense pride and joy in interacting with wonderful patients and truly loves her job.
- C. Ped (C), BSc. Kin.Daniel Haft
Daniel Haft C. Ped (C), BSc. Kin.
A Certified Pedorthist and Kinesiologist, Daniel brings his years of personal trainer experience to SoleFit. After many years working as a Kinesiologist in a physiotherapy clinic and as a personal trainer, Daniel decided he needed a break to reassess his career. After a few months off work to do some soul searching, Daniel came across the field of pedorthics and in particular the unique ‘outside the box’ way of doing things at SoleFit. For Daniel, this seemed like the perfect outlet to combine his previous passion for exercises and rehabilitation with the hands on work of fabricating orthotics in a lab.
Daniel has a competitive background in track and field and cycling. He currently enjoys tennis, Kung-Fu, camping, and a general love of being outdoors with his wife and 2 children. Daniel firmly believes in a holistic treatment approach and trying to find the source of the problem for a long-term solution.
What to Expect During our 1 Hour consultation
We pride ourselves in our one hour assessments, where based on patient history and lifestyle, are able to find short term ways to deal with pain/injury along with providing long term solutions of how to deal with the problem for good! Our assessment includes;