solefit speaker series running health wellness

SoleFit Speaker Series: Redefining Our Limits

The fourth installment of our Running Without Boundaries series, ‘Redefining Our Limits' took place last weekend at Centrepointe

The fourth installment of our Running Without Boundaries series, ‘Redefining Our Limits’ took place last weekend at Centrepointe Theater in Ottawa.  An enthusiastic crowd was on hand and excited to listen to three highly accomplished athletes share their wisdom, all while supporting impossible2Possible, an amazing organization offering education, inspiration, and empowerment to young people all over the world.

Professionally emceed again by local author and radio personality, Mark Sutcliffe, we began with a presentation by one of Canada’s most accomplished athletes, three time Olympian kayaker and multiple Olympic medal/title holder Adam VanKoeverden!  Adam didn’t disappoint with a wonderful delivery of tips and the mindset that allowed him to accomplish so much.  Full of wisdom in a funny and laid back style, Adam exposed us to the life and training of one of the world’s top athletes.  Next up was highly decorated ultra runner/adventurer Jen Segger.  Jen took us all over the world through her resume to such places as the Sahara, South Africa, Argentina, the Alps, Ireland, down the west coast and even onto the melting pavement of Badwater Basin, phew!  Every adventure brought new lessons that everyone can apply to life, goals and and personal pursuits.  Last, but never least, was one of the world’d top adventurers Ray Zahab who delighted everyone with his exuberance and passion.  The consummate storyteller, he shared many of his training tactics through all his adventures past and future!  His delivery of the message of nothing is impossible left everyone excited and motivated!

The space at Centrepointe Theatre offered an intimate opportunity for a Q and A session with all three which included lots of pictures, signatures, and even a chance to hold and see up close Adam’s Olympic medal from the London Olympics!

solefit speaker series running health fundraiser

The SoleFit team would like to thank all of our presenters and emcee for taking the time out of their busy schedules to speak at our event.  We also would like to thank all of the attendees who purchased tickets in order to benefit impossible2Possible.  Without your support, we would not be able to put on events of such a high caliber.  Finally, we would like to thank all of the local and online retail stores, clinics, and supporters of SoleFit for putting the word out there about this event, and helping us achieve another success! We are already looking toward our next event and welcome feedback and/or suggestions for what you would love to hear about or from next! Email or call us anytime, and we hope to see you at the next Running Without Boundaries!

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